
>> Wednesday, January 25, 2012

1. caramel chicken
2. rice
3. peas
4. fruits

The chicken was pretty good but I don't think I cooked the sugar/water mixture long enough or there's too much water added in later. The color wasn't as beautiful as I would have liked it to be and it took a long time to reduce down and get sticky.

I'm having lots of fun wasting time on Pinterest. Two words that describe me? Cutting Edge. Or maybe Relevant and Unique. I wonder if there's an iPhone app?


>> Tuesday, January 24, 2012

1. egg salad
2. bread
3. spinach
4. tomatoes
5. sauteed mushrooms

I'm 83% convinced that I should get an iPhone so I can take better pictures of my lunch. It's almost as good as decided.

Glad I Found the Almonds

>> Friday, January 20, 2012

1. cubanesque picadillo
2. plain old rice
3. an orange

I thought I was so clever. Lounging about while the minions put away the groceries. They won though, in the end. I couldn't find a thing.


>> Wednesday, January 18, 2012


So, the XXXXXX happened last XXXXX when I was XXXXXX. I XXXXX XXXXXX and it was XXXXXX! Can you believe that????

Anyway, SOPA & PIPA? XXXX and XXXX? What's the big deal? I mean I love XXXXX as much as the next XX
and all but I just XXXXXX XXXXXX what all XXX XXXXXXX is XXXXXXXX. Just because a couple of XXXXXXXX XXXXXX can't XXXX? Really? Does it matter? Does it matter enough to block XXXXXXXX? I need to XXXXXX and you need to XXXXXXX. Just XXXXXX chill XXXXX. The XXXXXX is only trying to XXXXX us.

This post totally inspired by XXXXXXXX.

No Sparkle Chicken

1. chicken
2. potatoes
3. broccoli

So it's chicken. It's Ina Garten's Lemon Chicken (recipe here). It sounded good. In theory. Chicken, lemon, garlic, thyme, olive oil ... wine for heaven's sake. But there we were. Underwhelmed. Oddly bland. The chicken I mean, not us. We sparkle.

And then it says "serve with pan juices". Yeah, no. The pan juices ended up being more of a poaching liquid. And again, oddly bland. I made a sort of buerre blanc with more whine and wine and lemon juice and dumped it over everything. The broccoli was fantastic. The chicken, less so. Of course the best part of a bad dinner is the guarantee of having leftovers to pack for lunch. Silver linings.

It's what I've been working on lately you know, looking for the positive. And perfecting my writing. And photography skills. Clearly.

MLK's Favorite?

>> Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Naw. That'd be pecan pie. Too bad I just now googled it. Pie would've been nice today.

1. Ikea meatballs
2. potatoes
3. spinach and arugula

I Just Can't Quit You

>> Tuesday, August 23, 2011

1. tri tip
2. panzanella
3. chimichurri
4. strawberries
5. chocolate

These are a few of my favorite things! Actually this was pretty much a perfect lunch. I'd never tried tri tip and it surely was good. My tip is that you should try it too. I swear I haven't been drinking. Panzanella panzanella - it's like soaking up the whole dish of olive oil with your bread only nobody gets mad at you. Plus cucumbers. Everyone should put cucumbers in their bread salad, but no cheese. Cheese has no business in panzanella. Admittedly the strawberries could have been sweeter and the chocolate could have been ... well more, but that's what was left from smores. Or nomores I guess I should say.


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