Sad Giraffe
>> Monday, August 30, 2010
Another day, another dollar, another packed lunch. Work continues to kick my ass. I know, I know, it's called work for a reason. Nobody bitches about having to go sit on the couch, but good gravy it's just making me so sad. Of course it's not like I really expect it to be cotton candy fun, but I could sure use a break. Well, enough about me, let's look at what I ate!
1. tragically overcooked strip steak, sliced thin
2. smoked gouda
3. the sandwicheriffic Bagel Thins - speaking of Bagel Things, did there used to be something else called Bagel Thins that was most certainly not -these- Bagel Thins? I'll have to think on that for a while. Moving on -
4. tiny pepper stuffed with chive cream cheese
5. some maters
6. asianesque cucumber salad made with Soy Vay Island Teryaki because I am just that clever and also had no sesame oil
7. Maille whole grain mustard, and plenty of it
8. sad giraffe because I didn't have a tiny fork with a plastic representation of a crying baby Jesus which really would have been more appropriate