White Beans & Collard Greens
>> Thursday, October 30, 2008
1. ham and beans
2. collards
3. jalapeno corn bread
Oooops! Looks like you caught me with my culinary heritage showin'! I don't remember the first time I had beans or greens, and I sure don't remember the first time I had them actually liked them, but I know I sure can't get enough of 'em now. Especially greens...mmmmmm...greens...with bacon...and pepper sauce...and corn bread...Hold on, I'm drooling, sorry.
You're obviously way more of a hick than I am.
Of course I'm just jealous.
How does that bento keep all the liquid from sloshing around? I need to find a good kid's bento for soup and other sloshy (is that a word?!) items. Also, when you pack a hot lunch like this, does it get microwaved later, or do you add a hot pack to keep it warm? As our weather turns cold, my girls want more and more to have a nice hot lunch, but I would rather not microwave their bentos.
OOH! looks yum!
Yea, does that leak? I wouldn't want to risk it..
Gretchen - lunch jars are great for soups and stews. Zojirushi's line is great, but might be too big depending on how old your girls are. Tiger has a line that's great too though I don't have any so I can't speak from personal experience. Check out Lunch in a Box - search lunch jar - she has some great comparative reviews and write-ups of various products for such a purpose. No microwaving necessary. :)
i love my parasite pals bento and i use press and seal to keep stuff from mixing and touching i am a freak like that LOL
"Collard greens, ham, beans, is only like the most awesome dish EVER." Yeah, I said that in my best imitation of Napoleon Dynamite, too.
I loves me some greens and the potlikker is worth drinking out of a coffee cup. For real.
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